For Loul Combres, pottery represents a memory of Humanity. Ubiquitous in the lives of first humans, he tells us how they lived. The work of this artist aims at keeping the right of freedom of speech. He’s pursuing this research through the ideas of: saying, expressing, finding different vocabulary, conveying ideas through forms material. Transmitting life.
Participative sculpture with Loul Combres*:
28.09-02.10, 9am – 5pm
* Registration :
Spectacular firing “Fire Art”:
Fri. 04.10, 3pm – 11pm, place de Sardaigne
Lecture by Loul Combres « Paroles d’argile »:
Mon. 30.09, 6pm – 7pm, Halles de la Fonderie
(French only)
3. Atelier Maison Potter
Atelier Maison Potter
Ch. de Pinchat 24
1227 Carouge
022 342 02 55